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Books by Ernest Wallace
Ernest Wallace wrote eleven major books on Texas history and co-authored many more. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

The Comanches: Lords of the South Plains

The fierce bands of Comanche Indians, on the testimony of their contemporaries, both red and white, numbered some of the most splendid horsemen the world has ever produced. Often the terror of other tribes, who, on finding a Comanche footprint in the Western plains country, would turn and go in the other direction, they were indeed the Lords of the South Plains . . . Read more

Ranald S. Mackenzie on the Texas Frontier

Once called the "Fighting Colonel" of the Texas frontier, Ranald S. Mackenzie in the brief years of his career through the 1870s and early 1880s secured that land for the surging wave of settlers who turned the wilderness into a place of cattle ranches, productive farms, and prosperous towns. In this classic account of the dashing cavalryman's campaigns, first published in limited numbers in 1965, eminent historian Ernest Wallace brought to life an era of the frontier that continues to intrigue readers . . . Read more

 Ranald S. MacKenzie's Official Correspondence Relating to Texas, 1873-1879

This is the second volume of Ranald S. Mackenzie's official correspondence relating to Texas. The items included extend from June 6, 187 3, to October 17, 1879. The previous publication covered the period from March 187 r, to June 187 3. With apologies to those who have read the first volume, the preface and the introduction therein are essentially repeated in this publication for the convenience of those who do not have readily available the preceding volume. Likewise, a copy of Mackenzie's military service record is again included . . . Read more

 Documents of Texas History

"The first edition of Documents of Texas History had 126 primary documents, ranging from a report of the first Spanish exploration of Texas to the official meteorological report on Hurricane Carla in 1961. The 320-page revised edition offers fifteen additional documents, from material on the Kennedy assassination to the Dallas Cowboys . . . Read more

 The Howling of the Coyotes: Reconstruction Efforts to Divide Texas

Ernest Wallace chronicles the little-known attempts by radical reconstructionists to divide the state, a move their critics derisively referred to as the "howling of the coyotes." He traces the interplay of the division issue with partisan politics and with other controversies in the reconstruction convention. His analysis gives not only new information about the almost successful division movement, but also a dramatic new explanation of the convention's delays in completing a constitution and thus of Texas' tardy readmission to the Union.

 Documents of Texas History by Ernest Wallace

A useful and valuable companion for any textbook dealing with Texas history, designed for students who seek a mature understanding of Texas history. The 126 documents selected for this book are the accounts of significant events in Texas history, beginning with Cabeza de Vaca's expedition and extending to Hurricane Carla in 1961 . . . Read more

 Texas, the Lone Star State

by Rupert N Richardson, Ernest Wallace and Adrian N Anderson

 Charles DeMorse: Pioneer Statesman And Father Of Texas Journalism

This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original . . . Read more

 Charles Demorse. Pioneer Editor and Statesman

by Ernest Wallace: Publisher: Lubbock: Texas Tech Press (1943)

 Texas: The Lone Star State

By Ernest Wallace, Cary D. Wintz, Adrian Anderson and Rupert N. Richardson

 Texas in Turmoil, The Saga of Texas: 1849-1875

Texas in Turmoil, The Saga of Texas: 1849-1875 by Ernest Wallace

 The Saga of Texas: Six Volume Set 1519-1965

by Ernest Wallace | Odie B. | David M. Vigness | Seymour V. Conner | Billy M. Jo Faulk

 Time-Life Books: The Old West Series

(Set of 13 - 1/2 of Complete 26 volume set) The Ranchers, Cowboys, Gunfighters, Miners, Trailblazers, Great Chiefs, Townsmen, Railroaders, Soldiers, Rivermen, Forty-niners, Indians, Texans. Ernest Wallace was the consultant for The Great Chiefs and The Texans volumes of this Time-Life series.


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