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Books About Parker County Texas People and Places | |||||
What's Your Favorite Book about a Parker County Texas Person, Place
or Event? Here are some of our favorites.
All books listed here are available at Amazon. Just tap the book title to read more, look inside and order if you want. This site contains affiliate links to products. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. To read more and look inside an individual book just tap an image below |
Found Inside: "In December, 1859, two families named Brown and Sherman, lived respectively eleven and sixteen miles from the county seat at Weatherford. They were farmers, highly respected and industrious. John Brown was about half a mile from his dwelling attending his horses when five of the nation assassins surrounded, killed and scalped him, and took eighteen horses from his farm. They then rode to Mr. Thompson's farm ..." Learn more |
Unlikely Warriors is the story of Benjamin Henry Grierson, Civil War hero and postwar commander of the Tenth Cavalry "Buffalo Soldiers," and his family on the western frontier. Found Inside: " The normal winter "raiding holiday" failed to occur in 1870-71. Late in December, war parties crossed the Red and killed three men, a woman, and her child in Parker and Montague counties. In January, Big Bow led twenty-five Kiowa warriors into Young County and attacked four black men who were hauling supplies from Weatherford to their homes near Fort Griffiin. The men after killing their horses for a barricade, fought desperately ... " Read more Look inside . . . for more like this please see Black Texans in History |
Sallie Reynolds Matthews wrote Interwoven so that her children and their children would know how their family and the Lambshead Ranch legacy grew on the Texas frontier. Far beyond her modest intentions, the book became a classic soon after its original publication in 1936 . . . "This winter of 1869 saw another break in the family as my father decided to move into a more settled part of the country. IIt was the first of December when we set out for our new home, this time going to Parker County, near Weatherford. Only three of the children were now with the parents, the two younger boy, Glenn and Phin, and I " . . . Read more Look inside |
A twenty-first century reckoning with the legendary Texas Rangers that does justice to their heroic moments while also documenting atrocities, brutality, oppression, and corruption. Found Inside: "Baylor led a posse to track down the Comanches; they caught and killed thirteen. Afterward, Baylor returned Browning's scalp to his father. a celebration followed in the Parker County courthouse, with several hundred people dancing through the night, beneath a rope from which hung the scalps of the dead indians . . . " Read more Look inside |
Found Inside: "The newly chinked cabins in Parker County were part of this swelling presence. And though Martha Sherman was undoubtedly a well-intentioned and God-fearing woman, she and Ezra were part of that clamorous, chaotic, and brazenly aggressive lunge into the enemy's territory. The Comanches saw it that way, because there was no other way for them to see it. That fall the buffalo had moved south, bumping up against the white man's homesteads " . . . Read more Look inside |
There is a myriad of little known, often forgotten, and sometimes unbelievable events, places and people that make up the warp and woof of the Texas mystique. Found Inside: "The domino game "42" is said to be the "National Game of Texas," ,,, It is said to have been invented in the spring of 1887 in the hamlet of Trappe Springs, now called Garner, in Parker County. Legend had it that two boys were caught playing cards in teh hayloft of a barn and were severly punished, as playing cards was considered a sin in the Bible Belt country. Because most families had a set of dominos in the home, the boys decided to try to create a game using playing card principle . . . " Learn more |
In 1887 DeLoach moved by wagon with his parents from Georgia to Parker County, Texas. Eleven years later, at the age of eighteen, DeLoach made his way to the West Texas Plains and began working as a cowhand on the Two-Buckle Ranch in Crosby County , and in 1913 he moved his family in a covered wagon to Emma, also in Crosby County. On March 28, 1914, at the age of thirty-four, DeLoach made the first entry in his diary. After three years he moved on to other opportunities before settling on a farm near Sudan in Lamb County in 1925. |
Found inside: "This Winter of 1869 saw another break in the family as my father decided to move into a more settled part of the country. It was the first of December when we set out for our new home, this time going to Parker County, near Weatherford. Only three of the children were now with the parents, the two younger boys, Glenn and Phin, and I . . . " Read More Look inside |
Resources: Early Life in Texas County by County Books about Texas People and Places Famous People from Texas County by County Texas History in the 19th Century (Amazon) Vintage Texas Photos (eBay #Ad) |