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Books About Jimmy Owens and His Coronado Discovery

Although Jimmy Owens never received the credit he deserved while he was alive. He died just five years after he made his discovery on March 13, 1998 at age 47. Since that time, several books have been written that acknowledge and describe his amazing discovery. Here are a few

Books About Jimmy Owens and His Coronado Discovery

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Jimmy OwensWho was Jimmy Owens

Born April 1, 1950 in Floydada, Jimmy was raised raised in Floyd County Texas, Owens spent years exploring Blanco Canyon southeast of Floydada. In 1993 he made a discovery in a ravine that would change history . . . read more about the Jimmy Owens discovery.

Spain in the Southwest: A Narrative History of Colonial New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, and California

"A loose concentration of artifacts from the period, including more than thirty copper crossbow dart tips, would seem to mark a Coronado campsite at the Jimmy Owens Site in Blanco Canyon, near present-day Floydada, Texas . . ." Read more Look inside

Documents of the Coronado Expedition, 1539–1542: "They Were Not Familiar with His Majesty, nor Did They Wish to Be His Subjects"

"... of West Texas. these are often accompanied by hail and storm winds. the devastation this particular storm wrought may explain the large number of objects associated with the expedition that have been excavated from the Jimmy Owens ... Read more Look inside

No Settlement, No Conquest: A History of the Coronado Entrada

"Known today as the Jimmy Owens Site, it lies about 35 miles northeast of modern Lubbock, Texas.24 With some effort the runaway horses, hemmed in by the steep walls of the canyon, were rounded up, and the battered expedition spent the..." Read more Look inside

Cities of Gold: A Novel of the Ancient and Modern Southwest

"... Don Blakeslee, and Jimmy Owens, explorers of the Coronado Army campsite near Floydada Texas..." Read more Look inside

The Coronado Expedition: From the Distance of 460 Years

"The boltheads from sites known to have been associated with the Coronado expedition across New Mexico showed the same typology as those from the Jimmy Owens Site in Texas. In addition, specific attributes such as point length and ..." . . . Read more Look inside

Run Oklahoma Run

In 1993 a Texan by the name of Jimmy Owens found the metal point from a Spanish crossbow in Blanco Canyon near the town of Floydada. ... They trudged through the open range until they were a few miles east of Shamrock, Texas ... Read more Look inside

Contesting the Borderlands: Interviews on the Early Southwest

"Photo of the Jimmy Owens site, where Coronado camped in the Texas panhandle. (Photo courtesy Richard Flint and Shirley Cushing Flint) SCF: He made a beeline across the panhandle of Texas to the Teya village, in order to avoid going ..." Read more

A Most Splendid Company: The Coronado Expedition in Global Perspective

"Sixteenth- century caret- head nails from southeastern Arizona and the Jimmy Owens Site, Floyd County, Texas 167 Figure 20. Crossbow boltheads, Jimmy Owens Site, Floyd County, Texas 169 Figure 21. ..." Read more Look inside

The Coronado Expedition to Tierra Nueva The Coronado Expedition to Tierra Nueva: The 1540-1542 Route across the Southwest

"Jimmy Owens Site (Texas), xiv–xv; crossbow bolt heads found at, ..." Read more

Archaeology in America [4 volumes]: An Encyclopedia

"Convincing evidence of campsites of Coronado's army in 1540–41 have been identified near Albuquerque (Vierra 1989) and at the Jimmy Owens site in Floyd County on the eastern edge of the caprock in the Texas panhandle ..." Read more Look inside


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