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Books About Hood County Texas People and Places
What's Your Favorite Book about a Hood County Texas Person, Place or Event? Here are some of our favorites.


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The Texas Rangers: A Century of Frontier Defense

Found inside: "The most troublesome trader in Texas was George Barnard whose famous establishment was on the upper Brazos near Fort Spunky in what is now Hood County. In the autumn of 1850, Rollins and Catlett were undertaking to bring the Comanches into a council on the Llano. Suddenly a rumor spread along the frontier that an Indian war was impending, that Barnard had abandoned his  trading house, was falling back on the settlements, and bring in all his stock . . .   " Read more Look inside

The West of Billy the Kid

Found inside:" On September 2, 1876, Josiah Gordon "Doc" Scurlock accidentally killed his friend Mike Harkins while examining a pistol. Just a few weeks later, on October 19,1876, Scurlock was married to sixteen-year-old Antonia Miguela Herrera. They had ten children. After the Lincoln troubles he left New Mexico for Texas and dissociated himself from his past. His wife died at Acton, Texas in 1912; Scurlock moved to Eastland Texas, where he died on July 25, 1929 . . . " Read more Look inside



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Vintage Texas Photos (eBay #Ad)


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