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Baylor County Unclaimed Estates

Baylor County Unclaimed Estates

Unclaimed estates in Baylor County, Seymour and Red Springs Texas have $13,008 due heirs.


NOTE: This report is provided free with the sincere hope the rightful heirs will claim their inheritance. It is not an offer for housing or credit. The word estate as used here, refers to assets left by deceased people to their heirs and is not a reference to real estate. There is a link at the bottom where you can search by individual deceased name and file a claim for unclaimed property with the Texas Comptroller.

Know the Heirs? Let them know     
Thomas Harris Estate  $3,294 Seymour 
Maldean E. Masten Estate  $1,299 Seymour 
Nina Be Brown Estate  $1,041 Seymour 
Maldean E. Masten Estate  $844 Seymour 
Nelson John E Estate of  $604 Seymour 
Estate of Leonard Witt The  $603 Seymour 
Lee Wayne Mcguire Estate  $496 Seymour 
Estate of The Douglas Lambeth  $445 Seymour 
Estate of Larry Walling  $369 Seymour 
Estate of M B Norville  $311 Seymour 
Elro Renfro Estate  $274 Seymour 
W R Whitten Estate  $233 Seymour 
Thomas Harris Estate  $188 Seymour 
G F Boone Estate  $182 Seymour 
Ovella Machen Mullikin Estate  $143 Seymour 
Ovella Machen Mullikin Estate  $142 Seymour 
R R Estate Myers  $135 Seymour 
Estate of Charles Dale Thomas  $130 Seymour 
Robert Boone Estate  $109 Seymour 
Maldean E. Masten Estate  $106 Seymour 
Ovella Machen Mullikin Estate  $95 Seymour 
Henry Estate Peek  $91 Seymour 
Ralph Malone Estate  $88 Seymour 
W R Whitten Estate  $86 Seymour 
Ruby Henshaw Estate  $84 Seymour 
Ralph Malone Estate  $80 Seymour 
R S Sosolik Estate  $79 Seymour 
R R Estate Myers  $77 Seymour 
T W Farr Estate  $71 Seymour 
Kenneth Johnston Estate  $68 Seymour 
Jack Jones Estate  $66 Seymour 
Mrs H A Rogers Estate  $64 Seymour 
Lillian Yoe Estate  $60 Seymour 
Ovella Machen Mullikin Estate  $58 Seymour 
Mrs R R Estate Stark  $58 Seymour 
Elro Renfro Estate  $51 Seymour 
G F Boone Estate  $49 Seymour 
Jack Jones Estate  $46 Seymour 
Kenneth Johnston Estate  $45 Seymour 
Dolph Estate Martin  $44 Seymour 
Jack Jones Estate  $41 Seymour 
Mary Lambeth Estate  $41 Seymour 
Estate of Sally Patton  $41 Red Springs 
Kenneth Johnston Estate  $38 Seymour 
R C Estate Spinks  $38 Seymour 
George Marak Estate  $37 Seymour 
Jack Jones Estate  $36 Seymour 
H A Estate Smith  $36 Seymour 
R R Estate Myers  $34 Seymour 
Ike Shipman Estate  $34 Seymour 
Estate of Patsy Siewert The  $34 Seymour 
Estate of Graves Imogene  $33 Seymour 
Mrs H A Rogers Estate  $32 Seymour 
H A Estate Smith  $32 Seymour 
Jack Jones Estate  $30 Seymour 
Henry Estate Peek  $29 Seymour 
Estate of Dessie I Graves  $29 Seymour 
Charles F Peters Estate  $28 Seymour 
Estate of Powell, Loretta E  $26 Seymour 
Elro Renfro Estate  $25 Seymour 
Billie Martin Estate  $25 Seymour 

This is a partial list showing only Baylor County unclaimed estates. To dig deeper -  Browse our list County by County or See more sorted by city

Texas has returned more than $3 billion in unclaimed property to its rightful owners. All money is held with the Texas Comptroller's office indefinitely until returned to the rightful owner.


Did You Find Money? Claim Your Family's Inheritance at Claim it Texas Texas' Official Unclaimed Property Site.


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Texas Unclaimed Property a Division of the Texas Comptroller

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