Baylor County Unclaimed Estates

Unclaimed estates in Baylor County, Seymour and Red Springs Texas have
$13,008 due heirs.
NOTE: This report is provided free with the
sincere hope the rightful heirs will claim their inheritance. It is not
an offer for housing or credit. The word estate as used here, refers to
assets left by deceased people to their heirs and is not a reference to
real estate. There is a link at the bottom where you can search by
individual deceased name and file a claim for unclaimed property with
the Texas Comptroller.
Know the Heirs? Let them know
Thomas Harris Estate |
$3,294 |
Seymour |
Maldean E. Masten Estate |
$1,299 |
Seymour |
Nina Be Brown Estate |
$1,041 |
Seymour |
Maldean E. Masten Estate |
$844 |
Seymour |
Nelson John E Estate of |
$604 |
Seymour |
Estate of Leonard Witt The |
$603 |
Seymour |
Lee Wayne Mcguire Estate |
$496 |
Seymour |
Estate of The Douglas Lambeth |
$445 |
Seymour |
Estate of Larry Walling |
$369 |
Seymour |
Estate of M B Norville |
$311 |
Seymour |
Elro Renfro Estate |
$274 |
Seymour |
W R Whitten Estate |
$233 |
Seymour |
Thomas Harris Estate |
$188 |
Seymour |
G F Boone Estate |
$182 |
Seymour |
Ovella Machen Mullikin Estate |
$143 |
Seymour |
Ovella Machen Mullikin Estate |
$142 |
Seymour |
R R Estate Myers |
$135 |
Seymour |
Estate of Charles Dale Thomas |
$130 |
Seymour |
Robert Boone Estate |
$109 |
Seymour |
Maldean E. Masten Estate |
$106 |
Seymour |
Ovella Machen Mullikin Estate |
$95 |
Seymour |
Henry Estate Peek |
$91 |
Seymour |
Ralph Malone Estate |
$88 |
Seymour |
W R Whitten Estate |
$86 |
Seymour |
Ruby Henshaw Estate |
$84 |
Seymour |
Ralph Malone Estate |
$80 |
Seymour |
R S Sosolik Estate |
$79 |
Seymour |
R R Estate Myers |
$77 |
Seymour |
T W Farr Estate |
$71 |
Seymour |
Kenneth Johnston Estate |
$68 |
Seymour |
Jack Jones Estate |
$66 |
Seymour |
Mrs H A Rogers Estate |
$64 |
Seymour |
Lillian Yoe Estate |
$60 |
Seymour |
Ovella Machen Mullikin Estate |
$58 |
Seymour |
Mrs R R Estate Stark |
$58 |
Seymour |
Elro Renfro Estate |
$51 |
Seymour |
G F Boone Estate |
$49 |
Seymour |
Jack Jones Estate |
$46 |
Seymour |
Kenneth Johnston Estate |
$45 |
Seymour |
Dolph Estate Martin |
$44 |
Seymour |
Jack Jones Estate |
$41 |
Seymour |
Mary Lambeth Estate |
$41 |
Seymour |
Estate of Sally Patton |
$41 |
Red Springs |
Kenneth Johnston Estate |
$38 |
Seymour |
R C Estate Spinks |
$38 |
Seymour |
George Marak Estate |
$37 |
Seymour |
Jack Jones Estate |
$36 |
Seymour |
H A Estate Smith |
$36 |
Seymour |
R R Estate Myers |
$34 |
Seymour |
Ike Shipman Estate |
$34 |
Seymour |
Estate of Patsy Siewert The |
$34 |
Seymour |
Estate of Graves Imogene |
$33 |
Seymour |
Mrs H A Rogers Estate |
$32 |
Seymour |
H A Estate Smith |
$32 |
Seymour |
Jack Jones Estate |
$30 |
Seymour |
Henry Estate Peek |
$29 |
Seymour |
Estate of Dessie I Graves |
$29 |
Seymour |
Charles F Peters Estate |
$28 |
Seymour |
Estate of Powell, Loretta E |
$26 |
Seymour |
Elro Renfro Estate |
$25 |
Seymour |
Billie Martin Estate |
$25 |
Seymour |