Life in Texas from the 1800's to 1950

Life in Angelina County Tx in 1939-1943

Angelina County, Texas in 1939-1943 as pictured in archived government photographs, vintage postcards, old school yearbooks and newspapers.



If you like these images, you can browse and view more than a thousand images of early life in Angelina County and throughout the state in eBay's Historical Texas Collection. . .

The Angelina Four of Kelty's Lumber Co. Sept. 26, 1940

The Angelina Four of Kelty's Lumber Company in Lufkin Texas; A.H. Charlton; T.J. Bailey; Jerry Watkins; Jethro (Jabbo) Williams; Sept. 26, 1940 . . . view full size


Paper Mill Workers Lufkin Tx 1943

Laboratory worker paper mill Lufkin Tx 1943

Unloading a truck of pulpwood Lufkin, Tx 1943

While fewer than half of the FSA images survive, the collection remains one of the most extensive pictorial records of life in Texas between 1935 and 1944. Original FSA photos and negatives are archived in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress.


Early Life in Texas County by County

Books about Texas People and Places

Amazing People from Texas County by County

Texas History in the 19th Century (Amazon)

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Davick Services History Page (Facebook)

Angelina County Unclaimed Estates

Books about Angelina County People and Places (Amazon)

Land of the Little Angel: A history of Angelina County, Texas

History of Angelina County Texas 1846 - 1991

History and Description of Angelina County, Texas

Lufkin, from sawdust to oil: A history of Lufkin Industries, Inc.

What We Reckon


Angelina County Items for Sale

Rare Artifacts, Memorabilia, Ancestry and History Records from Lufkin, Burke, Diboll, Hudson and Redland

Important: Tap or click the title (not the photo) for details on the items listed below.  See More Angelina County, Lufkin Texas Items

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