Davick Services

Anderson County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Anderson Texas Lefl Unclaimed Money

These Deceased Residents of Palestine, Frankston, and Elhhart, Texas Left a total $66,855 in Unclaimed Money for Their Heirs. Know the Heirs? Check the list and let them know they can collect it from the Texas Comptroller's Office.


NOTE: This report is provided free with the sincere hope the rightful heirs will claim their inheritance. It is not an offer for housing or credit. The word estate as used here, refers to assets left by deceased people to their heirs and is not a reference to real estate. There is a link at the bottom where you can search by individual deceased name and file a claim for unclaimed property with the Texas Comptroller.

Estate of William Philips $10,134 Palestine
Estate of Stephen Smith $4,848 Palestine
Estate of William Carpenter Bridges $4,491 Palestine
Eleta Knox Rhodes Estate $4,081 Frankston
Estate of John Cannon D $3,637 Palestine
Estate of Brenda Massey $3,049 Palestine
Estate of William Gist $2,943 Palestine
Estate of Mildred S Scott $2,500 Palestine
Estate of Ronda Carter $2,500 Palestine
Estate of Murry Herrington $2,106 Palestine
Lacy Taylor Estate $1,828 Palestine
Hays Estate of Billy $1,787 Palestine
Estate of Boles Harrison $1,539 Palestine
Jimmy F Jones Estate $1,431 Elkhart
Jimmy F Jones Estate $1,431 Elkhart
Venita W Graham Estate $1,268 Palestine
Violet Prater Estate $1,194 Palestine
Eleta Knox Rhodes Estate $1,048 Frankston
Estate of Myrtie A Johnson $1,000 Palestine
The Estate of Ramona Malik $985 Palestine
Violet Prater Estate $935 Palestine
L D Sandefur Estate $872 Palestine
The Estate of Maggie V Stacks $731 Palestine
Major Spurlock Estate $693 Palestine
Marcus Lemley(Estate) $679 Palestine
Estate of Mary Hill $662 Palestine
Estate of Peggy J Bailey $651 Elkhart
A J Hill Estate $564 Palestine
Estate of Sarah Estelle Dabbs $485 Frankston
Estate of Florine Adamack $480 Palestine
Golda L Dickerson, Estate Of $437 Frankston
Estate of Elizabeth Lambert $387 Palestine
Estate of Dallas Furlough $354 Palestine
Virginia Estate of Barnes $294 Frankston
Estate of William Gist $271 Palestine
Estate of William Gist $264 Palestine
Estate of Joseph Mas $244 Palestine
Estate of Clarence Waters $231 Palestine
Estate of Oma Sims $209 Frankston
Gary Estate Provence $192 Palestine
Estate of William Gist $174 Palestine
Agnes Peterson Life Estate $133 Palestine
Agnes Peterson Life Estate $132 Palestine
To The Estate of Bonnie N Petty $128 Palestine
Estate of Terry M William $127 Palestine
Estate of William Quarles $118 Palestine
Estate of Douglas B Moore $118 Palestine
Estate of Marjorie P Pell $113 Palestine
Linda Wallace Estate Of $113 Palestine
Estate of Christine R Mitchell $106 Palestine
Estate Royalty Trust $103 Palestine
Estate of William Gist $100 Palestine
Estate of Butler Gary L $99 Palestine
Estate of Rose Nemer $91 Palestine
Estate of Janet S Mcswain $91 Palestine
Estate of William Gist $83 Palestine
Estate of Charles D Bridges $74 Palestine
Lorene Salmon Estate $70 Frankston
Estate of Ophelia S Denton $69 Palestine
Linda Wallace Estate Of $66 Palestine
To The Estate of Beverly Kunz $65 Palestine
Lorene Salmon Estate $63 Frankston
Estate of Betty J Streetman $61 Palestine
Estate Thoma $59 Palestine
Estate of Ophelia Barnett $55 Palestine
Chistopher Tibbitt Estate $55 Palestine
Estate of Ruth E Wood $53 Palestine
Lorene Salmon Estate $52 Frankston
Estate of John C Palmer $51 Palestine
Estate of Willie D Dickerson $50 Frankston
Estate of Helen R Skains $49 Palestine
Lorene Salmon Estate $46 Frankston
Estate of Bruce G Hawkins $46 Frankston
Lorene Salmon Estate $44 Frankston
The Estate of Debra Denning $44 Palestine
Lorene Salmon Estate $44 Frankston
Lorene Salmon Estate $44 Frankston
The Estate of Haymond E Nutter $42 Palestine
Estate of William H Johnson $41 Frankston
Lorene Salmon Estate $38 Frankston
Lorene Salmon Estate $38 Frankston
Estate of Wallingford, Clara $37 Palestine
Estate of Robert Collett $36 Palestine
Estate of Beverly J Posey The $34 Palestine
Estate of John Jefferies $31 Palestine
Estate of Chester Glomp $30 Palestine
Johnnie Moore Estate $26 Palestine
The Estate of Francisco Ramirez $26 Palestine
The Estate of Harlen E Mudderman $26 Palestine
Estate of David G Thornton $26 Palestine

This is a partial list showing only Anderson County unclaimed estates. To dig deeper -  See more sorted by city or Browse our list County by County


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Texas has returned more than $3 billion in unclaimed property to its rightful owners. All money is held with the Texas Comptroller's office indefinitely until returned to the rightful owner.


Did You Find Money? Claim Your Family's Inheritance at Claim it Texas Texas' Official Unclaimed Property Site.


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Texas Unclaimed Property a Division of the Texas Comptroller

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Anderson County Appraisal District
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Anderson County Items for Sale
Anderson County Tx 1908 to 1946
Anderson County Unclaimed Estates
Books about Anderson County People & Places

Books about Anderson County People and Places

Books about Anderson County People and Places

A pictorial history of Palestine and Anderson County, Texas

Heritage II: A pictorial history of Palestine and Anderson County, Texas 1855-1993

Pioneer Families of Anderson County [Texas] Prior to 1900

Historic Palestine: An Illustrated History

. . . Get Details on these and more books about Anderson County Texas

These Deceased Residents of Anderson Texas Lefl Unclaimed Money

Anderson County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Palestine, Frankston, and Elhhart, Texas Left  $66,855 in Unclaimed Money for Their Heirs. Know the Heirs? Check the list and let them know they can collect it from the Texas Comptroller's Office . . . see the list

Featured Item from Anderson County Texas

Rare Artifacts, Books, Memorabilia and Historical Documents from Palestine, Elkhart and Frankston, Texas.

Important: Tap or click the title (not the photo) for details on the items listed below. See More Anderson County Treasure

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