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Clay County Appraisal District (CAD) - Henrietta
Find information about Clay County property search for property taxes, property tax appraisals, unclaimed estates, auctions, tax sales
and foreclosures in Henrietta, Bellevue, Byers, Dean, Jolly and
Petrolia, Texas.
Appraisal District
Clay County
Appraisal District
101 E. Omega St.
Henrietta, Texas 76365-3437
The Clay County Appraisal District
in Henrietta has
information on exemptions and discounts that may apply to you.
The Homestead Exemption which is available
to all Clay homeowners who live in their home could reduce school taxes by as much as $1500
a year.
You may also qualify for additional exemptions and discounts if you own a home in Clay County
Texas. For example, if you are over the age of 65, disabled, or a veteran
you probably qualify for additional exemptions. Contact the Clay County Appraisal district to find out which exemptions
may be available to you.
Clay County Items for Sale
Rare Artifacts, Memorabilia, Ancestry and History Records
Important: Tap or click the title (not the photo) for details on the items listed below.