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Life in Castro County Texas 1850 - 1950
First Public School in Castro County 1891

First Public School in Castro County 1891

Group of 37 schoolchildren of various ages and two adults in Dimmitt that made up the first public school in Castro County Texas in 1891. While none of the children look particularly happy, Hillery Bedford #2 seems furious.

Some of those pictured are named and a handwritten number identifies them as:
1 Lucy Bandy
2 Hillery Bedford
3 Will Bedford
4 Jake Cloud
5 Lysius Gough
6 Bessie Davis
7 Miss Lou Morrison
8 Miss Nell Bedford
9 Miss Ada Harlan
10 Mrs. Gough
11 Mis Annie Bedford
12 Lettie Bedford
13 Trudy Bandy
14 Ellen Carter
15 Earl Gough

. . . for more like this please see History of School in Texas


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School Days in Texas 1850 - 1960

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Life in Castro County 1850 -1950s

Life in Castro County 1850 -1950sLife in Castro County 1850 -1950s

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