18 Spencer County KY
18th Fastest Growing County In the Nation
Spencer County, Kentucky
Seat: Taylorsville
According to U.S. Census Bureau estimates Spencer County is
the 18th fastest growing county in America based on percent of
growth between January 2000 and July 2006 for all counties
that began the period with more than ten thousand residents.
Spencer County is home to Taylorsville Lake, which
serves as a major economic resource for the area, as well as a
popular fishing area. Spencer is a dry county, where the sale
of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. From 2000 to 2005
Spencer County ranked 19th out of all U.S. counties in percent
growth with a 33% increase.Until the early 2000s, there
were only two public schools in the district, the elementary
school (educating grades K-6) and the high school (educating
grades 7-12). In 2000, a new elementary school was built, and
the district split into a three-school system. Due to the fast
growth of the county, a new middle school
Spencer County which was founded in 1824, had already grown in
population to 11,766 by the year 2000. But in the six years
that marked the beginning of the 21 Century, the county
increased the number of inhabitants by 40 percent
bringing the estimated total population in July 2006 to
The astounding growth of the last six years has made Spencer
County the number 1 fastest growing county in the Bluegrass
State of Kentucky and the 18th fastest in the nation.
Although no figures are available to determine how the growth
may have affected the price of homes in the area, in the year
2000 the median cost for a home within the 186 square mile
jurisdiction was $122,400.