Number 14 Treasure County, Montana
Population: 700
Seat: Hysham
County ranks as number 14 for the least populated counties
in the United States.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau the population of Treasure
County was probably 861 in the year 2000. By 2005 there were
694 residents. By July, 2006 there were only 680 individuals
calling Treasure County, Montana home. 2013 estimates place
the population at 700.
Hysham is the county seat of Treasure County and is bounded to
the north by the Yellowstone River and to the south by
gorgeous rolling hills. Hysham has just about everything a
visitor could need. From Hysham the sparsely populated county
spreads out in a panorama of green fields, pasture property
and grain.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, soon after the
Montana territory earned its statehood in 1889, Treasure
County was a part of the great vastness of Custer Country. It
was on what was then the Crow Indian Reservation.